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International Day against Gender Violence

CREA is supporting the celebration of  International Day against Gender Violence.


2013 Best Paper Prize- Cambridge Journal of Education to Ramon Flecha and Marta Soler

The Cambridge Journal of Education has awarded the 2013 Best Paper Prize to Ramón Flecha and Marta Soler for their paper entitled ‘Turning difficulties into possibilities: engaging Roma families and students in school through dialogic learning’. Congratulations! Access the paper online here


ORCID meets SSH Workshops at the University of Barcelona

On the 15th of May, the University of Barcelona hosted a workshop entitled Social Sciences and Humanities meet ORCID: towards a fruitful collaboration, attended by more than 70 researchers from over 25 departments and diverse research groups in SSH with a focus on Law, Human Rights, Linguistics, Communication and Media, Education, Demographic studies, from 7 Catalan […]


Conference ‘Health Literacy and Social Justice’

Conference ‘Health Literacy and Social Justice’   BY PROFESSOR RIMA RUDD, SENIOR LECTURER ON HEALTH LITERACY, EDUCATION AND POLICY- HARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, AND LEADING PROPONENT OF “HEALTH LITERACY”.   International Sociological Debates Universitat de Barcelona (ISDUB) Date: Tuesday 29th April Time: 11:00 h. Place: Aula Magna of the Faculty of Economics and Bussiness […]


Upcoming IMPACT-EV Kick-Off meeting

Past January 1st, the IMPACT-EV project was launched. The main goal of IMPACT-EV is to develop a permanent system of selection, monitoring and evaluation of the various impacts of Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH) research. During the following four years (2013-2017) the team will expand existing knowledge on scientific, political and social impact in […]


International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

CREA joined the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Plataforma contra les Violències de Gènere  


Ramón Flecha receives from Griñan the Gold Medal of Merit in Education. Our most warm congratulations!

Photo: Europa Press New published in Europa Press: Griñán preside la entrega de los Premios al Mérito Educativo con un alegato contra el “disparate” de reducir becas Video is available in: (from min. 31.30 al 37.30)  

1. Highlights


International Day against Gender Violence

CREA is supporting the celebration of  International Day against Gender Violence.


2013 Best Paper Prize- Cambridge Journal of Education to Ramon Flecha and Marta Soler

The Cambridge Journal of Education has awarded the 2013 Best Paper Prize to Ramón Flecha and Marta Soler for their paper entitled ‘Turning difficulties into possibilities: engaging Roma families and students in school through dialogic learning’. Congratulations! Access the paper online here


ORCID meets SSH Workshops at the University of Barcelona

On the 15th of May, the University of Barcelona hosted a workshop entitled Social Sciences and Humanities meet ORCID: towards a fruitful collaboration, attended by more than 70 researchers from over 25 departments and diverse research groups in SSH with a focus on Law, Human Rights, Linguistics, Communication and Media, Education, Demographic studies, from 7 Catalan […]


Conference ‘Health Literacy and Social Justice’

Conference ‘Health Literacy and Social Justice’   BY PROFESSOR RIMA RUDD, SENIOR LECTURER ON HEALTH LITERACY, EDUCATION AND POLICY- HARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, AND LEADING PROPONENT OF “HEALTH LITERACY”. The "Health Literacy and Social Justice" conference highlights the importance of informed decision-making, which can extend to responsible gaming. By promoting awareness and education, it helps players make safer choices in casinos. Non GamStop casinos review emphasizes the need for transparent practices, ensuring players are empowered to gamble responsibly and securely.   International Sociological Debates Universitat de Barcelona (ISDUB) Date: Tuesday 29th April Time: 11:00 h. Place: Aula Magna of the Faculty of Economics and Bussiness […]


Upcoming IMPACT-EV Kick-Off meeting

Past January 1st, the IMPACT-EV project was launched. The main goal of IMPACT-EV is to develop a permanent system of selection, monitoring and evaluation of the various impacts of Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH) research. During the following four years (2013-2017) the team will expand existing knowledge on scientific, political and social impact in […]

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