CREA UB. Center of Research in Theories and Practices that overcome inequalities. University of Barcelona. (Spain)

Ramón Flecha. Main Researcher. Professor of Sociology at the University of Barcelona. See CV.
Lídia Puigvert. Professor in Sociology at the University of Barcelona. See CV.

Marta Soler. Professor in Social Sciences at the University of Barcelona. See CV.
Montserrat Sánchez. Professor in Education at the University of Barcelona. See CV.
Ignasi Puigdellivol.Professor of Special Education at the University of Barcelona and director of CREI-AFA. See CV.
Paloma García. Professor in Science Education and Head of the Department of Experimental Sciences and Mathematics Education at the University of Barcelona. See CV.
Rosa Valls. Professor in Pedagogy at the University of Barcelona. See CV.
Antonio Latorre. Professor in Educational Research Methods at the University of Barcelona. See CV.
Carme García. Professor of Education at the University Rovira i Virgili. See CV.
Jagdish Gundara. Professor of the London Institute of Education. See CV.

Ramón Flecha *

Main Researcher of the INCLUD-ED project, the Integrated Project from the Framework Programmes dedicated to the analysis of schooling. FP6, European Commission.

Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Timisoara. Professor of Sociology at the University of Barcelona.

Between 2001 and 2004, he directed the WORKALÓ project (The creation of New Occupational Patterns for Cultural Minorities. The Gypsy case). This was a RTD project from the 5 th European Framework Programme for Research. The conclusions of the project were presented and unanimously approved in a plenary session both by the European Parliament and various member states, including Spain.

Among other projects, he was also the lead researcher for the two following projects: “AMAL: Inmigración y mercado laboral” [AMAL: Immigration and the labour market] (2001-2005) and “TRANSMIGRA. Análisis de los procesos de transnacionalidad económica y política marroquí, ecuatoriana y rumana. La migración como factor de desarrollo en los países de origen y acogida” [TRANSMIGRA. The analysis of processes of the economic and political transationality of Moroccan, Ecuadorian and Romanian people. Migration as a development factor in the countries of origin and in host countries.] (2005-2008). Both projects were part of the I+D+I National Plan in Spain.

Until November 2006, he was the director of CREA, the Centre of Research in Theories and Practices that Overcome Inequalities, Scientific Park of Barcelona.

He was also the founder of the Learning Communities Project, which has already been adopted for some Regional Governments as their key programme for the promotion of inclusive educational practices and the overcoming of the school failure.

  • Selected publications:


Critical Education in the Information Age (with Manuel Castells, Paulo Freire, Henry Giroux, Donaldo Macedo and Paul Willis). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999.

Modern and postmodern racism in Europe: Dialogic approach and anti-racist pedagogies. Harvard Educational Review , 68 (2), p. 150-171, 1999.

Sharing words: Theory and Practice of Dialogic Learning. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. (Translated into Chinese and Spanish), 2000.

Contemporary Sociological Theory (with Jesús Gomez and Lidia Puigvert). New York: Peter Lang, 2003.

Conocimiento e Identidad. Voces de grupos culturales en la investigación social (with Alain Touraine and Michel Wieviorka) Barcelona: Roure, 2004.

Participatory Paradigms: Researching ‘with’rather than ‘on’ (with Jesús Gómez) In B. Crossan, J. Gallacher & M. Osborne (eds.) Researching Widening Access: Issues and approaches in an international context. pp. 129-140. London: Routledge, 2004.

Metodología comunicativa crítica (with Jesús Gómez, Antonio Latorre and Montse Sánchez) . Barcelona: Roure, 2006.

Schools open to (all) women: Towards the overcoming of gender violence in Spain (with Esther Oliver and Marta Soler) British Journal of Sociology of Education, 2009.

  • Selected research projects:

INCLUD-ED. Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion from education in Europe. FP6 Integrated Project, Priority 7: Social Sciences and Humanities. European Commission (2006- 2011).

WORKALÓ. The creation of new occupational patterns for cultural minorities. The Roma case. FP5 RTD: Improving the Socio-economic Knowledge Base. European Commission (2001-2004).

TRANSMIGRA. Análisis de los procesos de transnacionalidad económica y política marroquí, ecuatoriana y rumana. La migración como factor de desarrollo en los países de origen y acogida. Plan Nacional I+D+I. Programa de socioeconomía. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. (2005-2008).

AMAL: Inmigración y mercado laboral . Plan Nacional I+D+I. Programa de socioeconomía. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. Secretaría de Estado de Política Científica y Tecnología. (2001-2005).

Habilidades comunicativas y desarrollo social. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Secretaría de Estado de Universidades e Investigación. Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica. DGICYT - MEC. (1995-1998).

Learning Communities. CREA, Centre of Research in Theories and Practices that Overcome Inequalities, in collaboration with the Basque Education and Evaluation Institute of the Basque Government , the Department of Education of the Aragon Government, and Department of Education of the Catalan Government.

  • Selection of International Public Lectures:

Habermas Theory and Adult Education , public lecture to PhD Students (AEGIS), in the Teachers College, Columbia University, in New York (United States), in 1991.

Racism in Europe, public lecture at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts (United States), in 1994.

Traditional Modernity, Postmodernity and Communicative Modernity Related Issues in Constructing Roles and Learning Tasks of Adult Education, public lecture in the International Adult & Continuing Education Conference (IACEC), in Seoul (South Korea), in 1996.

A política de Educaçâo no Brasil. Globalizaçô e Excluçâo Social [Educational Policies in Brazil. Globalisation and Social Exclusion] , public lecture in an event organized by the ANPED. Associaçaô nacional de Pós-graduaçâo e Pesquisa em Educaçâo. [National Postgraduate], in Caxambu-MG Country (Brazil), in 1996.

Social changes and some tasks of education in Europe , public lecture at the event “Social changes and education: toward restructuring university and schools”, organized by the Kyung-Nam University, in Masan City Country (Korea), in 1997.

The Multiplicity of research on “Learning for All”, a key for the 21st Century , public lecture at the Fifth International Conference on Adult Education, held in Hamburg (Germany), in 1997.

Thought and Critical Action in the Information Age , public lecture held at Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts (United States), in 1998 .

International Forum “Honoring Paulo Freire: Issues of Social Justice and Freedom” , public lecture held at Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts (United States), in 1998.

Clase social, diferencia y educación [Social class, difference and education] and La nueva desigualdad cultural: diferencia, igualdad y diversidad en los desarrollos curriculares [The new cultural inequality: difference, equality and diversity in curricular development], invited as a key-note speaker at the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina), in 1998.

Dialogic Learning overcoming educational and social barriers , public lecture held at Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts (United States), in 2000.

Towards the economic and social inclusion of marginalised migrants , public lecture in the International Colloquim ‘Formes et modalités de l’implication des flux migrants dans l’économy.’ [Forms and ways to involve the waves of migrants in the economy], held in Aix en Provence (France), in 2002.

Factores de exclusión y transformación en las relaciones entre Comunidad Gitana y el Mercado de Trabajo. [Factors of exclusion and transformation in the relationship between the Roma population and the Labour Market] , public lecture in the International Colloquium: ‘Tsiganes et Méditerranéenne: les institutions comme espaces de rencontre.'[‘Roma people and the Medditerranean: institutions as a meeting place’], in Aix en Provence (France), in 2002.

La recherche à partir de l’égalité des différences [Research based on the equality of differences], public lecture in the seminar entitled ‘Les voix des minorités culturelles dans la recherche scientifique’ [‘The voices of cultural minorities in scientific research’], organized by the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, 6 th March 2004.

Participatory democracy and marginalized groups , public lecture in the 9th Adult Education Colloquium, organized by the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, in Ljubljana (Slovenia), in 2005.

Communicative Research in Adult Education for Social Inclusion , public lecture in the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany), 20 th December 2006.

Cultural groups in Europe and the wider implications promoting European Citizenship. Views on anti-racist pedagogy , invited as a key note speaker in the 35th EUCEN Conference, in Edinburgh, 6 th June 2008.

Dialogic Learning , as a key-note lecture in the Cluster on Educational Access and Social Inclusion, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, European Commission, in Bilbao, 8 th October 2008.



Lídia Puigvert *

Professor in Sociology at the University of Barcelona

Main researcher of the R&D project Dialogic Theories and Societies. New transferences science-society in the knowledge era (2003-06, Spanish Ministry of Education & Science), and researcher in the R&D project BRUDILA CALLÍ. Overcoming absenteeism and school dropout of Romaní girls (2001-03, Spanish National Women’s Institute). She has been researcher in the FP4 project ACCESS. University Access and Social Exclusion (1997-2001), and the FP5 project ETGACE (2000-03), European Commission.

  • Relevant publications:

Elboj, C.; Puigvert, L. 2004. Interactions among other women: Creating personal and social meaning. Journal of Social Work Practice, 8, (3), pp.351-364.

Beck-Gernsheim, E.; Butler, J.; Puigvert, L. 2004. Women and Social transformation. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.


Marta Soler *

General Coordination. Professor in Social Sciences at the University of Barcelona

Professor in Social Sciences at the University of Barcelona and Doctor in Education by Harvard University. Main researcher in the R&D project Dialogic reading and gender equality in the classroom interactions (2003-05, Spanish Ministry of Social Affairs). She has participated in the FP5 project ETGACE (2001-03, European Commission). She was Assistant Researcher at the National Centre for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy at Harvard.

  • Relevant publications:

Soler, M. 2000. Pedagogy of the Heart, Teachers as Cultural Workers, Harvard Educational Review, 70 (1), pp. 109-117.

Purcell-Gates, V.; Degener, S.; Jacobson, E.; Soler, M. 2002. Impact of authentic adult literacy instruction on adult literacy practices. Reading Research Quarterly, 37 (1), pp.70-92.



Montse Sánchez *

Project 1 leader. Professor of pedagogy at the University of Barcelona

Anthropologist and Professor at the University of Barcelona. Main researcher of the Study on the Romà in Catalonia, conducted on request by the Catalan Parliament (2002-03). This study triggered the creation of the Integral Plan for the Romà in Catalonia (2005-08), where in she is also taking part both in the Commission for the elaboration of the Integral Plan and in the Advisory Committee. She has been researcher in the R&D projects CALLÍ BUTIPEN and BRUDILA CALLÍ (Spanish Ministry of Social Affairs), and in the FP5 project WORKALÓ.

  • Relevant publications:

De Botton, L.; Puigvert, L.; Sánchez, M. 2005. The inclusion of the other women. Breaking the silence through dialogic learning. Dordrecht: Springer.

Sánchez, M. 1999. La Verneda- Sant Martí: A School where people dare to dream, Harvard Educational Review, 69 (3), pp. 320-335.


Ignasi Puigdellívol *

Professor of Special Education at the University of Barcelona and director of CREI-AFA (Centre of Educational and Research Resources - Adapted Physical Activity)

Researcher in the project Educational Integration: Capacitating, adaptation of materials, realization of controlled experiences and development of a National system for monitoring integrated children (1996-2002, International Agency of Spanish Cooperation). Co-founder of the Centre of Educational and Research Resources CREISANTS (1984-1990), and a member of the Working Group “Teacher Training for Special Education” in the Association for Teacher Education in Europe.

  • Relevant publications:

Puigdellívol, I. (Coord.). 2003. Experiencias de inclusión. Una escuela para todos, Aula de Innovación Educativa, pp. 35-65.

Elboj, C.; Puigdellívol, I.; Soler, C.; Valls, R. 2002. Comunidades de aprendizaje. Transformar la educación. Barcelona Graó.



Paloma García *

Professor in Science Education and Head of the Department of Experimental Sciences and Mathematics Education at the University of Barcelona

Researcher in a number of projects on sciences and mathematics education both at national and international level, such as: New methods and procedures for teaching biology in pre-school and first stage of Basic general Education (University of Barcelona), Mathematic tele-intervention with students with special needs. Geometrical communication with deaf students (Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology), ALNET. Dialogic numeracy on the Net (Socrates Programme. European Commission).

  • Relevant publications:

García P. et al. 2001. Aplicación del sistema telemático interactivo BSCW a la enseñanza de las ciencias, Enseñanza de las ciencias. Vol II, pp. 325-326.

García P. et al. 2000. El ser humano y el esfuerzo físico. Barcelona: INDE.



Rosa Valls *

Professor in Pedagogy at the University of Barcelona

Sub-director of CREA-UB. Main researcher of the R&D projects Gender Violence in Spanish Universities (2006-08, Spanish National Women’s Institute); CALLÍ BUTIPEN: Gypsy women and labour market (2000-03, Spanish National Women’s Institute); and Education for the prevention of gender violence in high schools (2004-05, Department of Universities, Research and Information Society, Catalan Government). Pedagogic advisor of the Learning Communities Project in Spain.

  • Relevant publications:

Valls, R.; Oliver, E. 2004. Violencia de Género. Investigaciones sobre quiénes, por qué y cómo superarla. Barcelona: El Roure Editorial.

Puigvert, L.; Valls, R. 2004. Dialogical Learning in Popular Education Movements in Spain. In Crowder, J.; Martin, I. (eds.): Popular Education. Engaging the Academy. London: Zed Books.


Antonio Latorre *

Professor in Educational Research Methods at the University of Barcelona

Expert in the areas of educational research, methodology and teachers training. Researcher in the RTD project WORKALÓ. The creation of new occupational patterns for cultural minorities: the Gypsy case. Latorre has presented his work in national and international conferences, like the First International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, celebrated in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in 2005.

  • Relevant publications:

Latorre, A. 2003. La Investigación acción. Conocer y mejorar la práctica educativa. Barcelona: Graó.

Latorre, A.; Del Rincón, D.; Arnal, J. 1996. Bases metodológicas de la investigación educativa. Barcelona: Hurtado Ediciones.

Del Rincón, D.; Arnal, J.; Latorre, A.; Sans, A. 1995. Técnicas de investigación en ciencias sociales. Madrid: Dykinson.


Carme García *

Professor of Education at the University Rovira i Virgili

Researcher in projects focused on preventing gender based violence in the project: Education for the prevention of gender violence in high schools (2004-05, Department of Universities, Research and Information Society, Catalan Government), among many others. At the international level, she has participated in the FP5 project ETGACE (2001-03, European Commission. She teaches, at the undergraduate courses on educational instituttions at the national and international level.

  • Relevant publications:

Teen Life in Spain (2005) (chapter) in Teen life in Europe (Teen life around the World), pp. 207-226, Greenwood Press

Interview with James Comer, published in Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 341, pp. 86-89, 2004.


Jagdish Gundara *

Professor of the London Institute of Education

One of the main distinguished professors of the London Institute of Education . Emeritus Professor of Education, and UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Studies and Teacher Education, at the Institute of Education, University of London. Head of the International Centre for Intercultural Studies (1979-2004) and appointed commissioner of the Commission for Racial Equality (2002) and member of the Education Committee of the UK UNESCO Commission (2004). He has extensive research in the field of multilingualism, diversity and intercultural education. He is founder and president of the International Association for Intercultural Education, and member of the Editorial Board of Intercultural Education.

  • Relevant publications:

Gundara, J.; Jacobs, S. (Eds.). 2000. Intercultural Social Policy in Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Gundara, J. 2000. Interculturalism, Inclusion and Education. London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.