• Media impact of  INCLUD-ED Final Conference

Media from different countries have disseminated some of the main results from INCLUD-ED presented at the European Parliament Headquarters on the 6th December 2011. Among them we find the newspapers La Nación from Costa Rica, the Waldviertelnews from Austria and El Faro de Ceuta from Spain.

The news appeared in these journals share the emphasis on two main issues: the impact of implementing evidence-based educational policies as a key element to reduce social exclusion on the one hand, and the fact that the successful actions that overcome school failure and social exclusion do so without investing more resources, on the other.




You can consult also the press release of the Final Conference: see document

  • Press Invitation: “Social Inclusion in Europe: an Educational Challenge.

INCLUD-ED project was selected  by European Commission such a successful EU-funded research project on social inclusion by education. Journalists of different european countries come to Barcelona to know results of the project.  Go to the link.

If you would like to see press impact of the event, please go to the following link.