PROJECT 4. How social and educational exclusion intersects in vulnerable groups’ experiences & the role of education.

Project leader: Giovanna Campani (University of Florence).

GENERAL OBJECTIVES: To investigate how educational exclusion affects diverse sectors of society, particularly the most vulnerable groups (i.e. women, youth, migrants, cultural groups and people with disabilities), and what kind of educational provision contributes to overcome their respective discrimination.

WP14. State of the Art: Vulnerable groups and educational and social exclusion

Woking paper: Literature review on processes of educational and social exclusion among vulnerable groups.

Scientific literature on all the vulnerable groups (youth, women, people with disabilities, cultural minorities and youth) related to educational and social inclusion/exclusion in European and international research was analysed and reviewed. The main contribution of this paper is the analysis of exclusionary and transformative dimensions in education which are influencing vulnerable groups’ trajectories.

WP15. Analysis of social and educational exclusion from the socials agents’ perspective

Working papers: Social and educational exclusion from the actors perspective.

A survey to NGO’s was carried out considering that they are working with vulnerable groups which are in process of exclusion and at the same time that they are designing interventions to promote their inclusion. The findings from the survey contribute to  identify some of successful practices which help to reduce or prevent social and educational exclusion for vulnerable groups from the perspective of NGOs.  A total of 473 questionnaires were implemented.

WP16. Analysis of social and educational exclusion from the social agents’ perspective

Working papers: Social and educational exclusion and inclusion processes among vulnerable groups

These reports has the aim to identify key moments in vulnerable groups’ daily lives which have influenced the development of trajectories involving exclusion from the current knowledge society. Evidence of the processes, strategies and educational provisions which make it possible to overcome this exclusion was gathered. Following the Critic Communicative Methodology a total of 125 Daily life stories and 50 focus groups were carried out.

WP17. Conclusions

Report 6: Overcoming vulnerable groups’ social and educational exclusion. (Go to results)

5 Country Workshops with representatives of vulnerable groups

Workshops were carried out in Italy, Cyprus, Spain, Romania and Hungary.  The aim of the workshops was to discuss and disseminate the results obtained throughout Project 4.  Specifically the events were used to present the results of previous WP14, WP15 and WP16 which are included into the conclusions of Report 6. End users (vulnerable groups) and researchers participated in the workshops in equal conditions. The audience of the workshops were so diverse: policy makers, junior researchers, NGO’s staff, educators and practicionars.

Working paper: The gender dimension in the processes of social and educational exclusion and inclusion among vulnerable groups (Go to results)