These FTOG are created by voluntary collaborators of the project that bring about their prior knowledge on the topic at stake and their expertise in the matter. They work following the same ruling and scientific criteria as the rest of bodies described hereby, although their organisation is not necessarily be as strict as the aforementioned ones. These will thus be groups created freely by experts on education and all related disciplines tackled within the core of the INCLUD-ED project.This flexibility in the organisation of support is providing with a broad scope of possibilities for the coordination teams to organise the research task.

Currently, there are four FTOG in the project:

Grupo de trabajo del proyecto INCLUD-ED de la FFPRO-UB (Teachers’ College Working Group)

Since March 2006, a group of professors from the Teachers’ College at the University of Barcelona are meeting monthly to support the INCLUD-ED project development. The main goal of this free task oriented group is to enhance the research activities conducted by the consortium, and bringing in the rellevant literature developed from particular areas not covered by the project, for instance, inclusive practices in physical education or Rural areas. The group has already elaborated a collection of reviews.


Ignasi Puigdellívol (Coordinator & member of the INCLUD-ED consortium).  Roser Boix (Rural Education),  Marta Capllonch (Physical education),  Jesús Enfedaque (Maths, Teachers’ Training),  Paloma Garcia (Sciences),  Joaquim Giménez (Maths),  Antonio Latorre (Research methods),  Paula López (Maths, Migrant Students),  Núria Rosich (Special education in Maths),  Òscar Òdena (Music education),  Merche Ríos (Special education in Physical education).



ODISEA is a working group which contains teachers from pre-primary, primary, secondary, adult education and vocational training, which aims to achieve success at school for all children and adults. This group meets monthly in order to discuss various topics related to educational practices, and they plan to organise and participate in workshops and conferences. The group also advises the Includ-ed Project on issues related to the educational practices which it is involved in at the moment.


Sara Ortega (Coordinator. Pre-primary and Primary Education); Belinda Siles (Pre-primary and Primary Education); Sandra Oliver (Pre-primary); Josep Sivilla (Primary Education); Mireia Arrufat (Compulsory Secondary Education. CSE); Sergi de Gràcia (CSE); Carlos Herrero (CSE); David Portell (CSE); Pepa Feixa (CSE); Sergio González (CSE); Carol Sagnier (CSE); Elisenda Giner (CSE & Vocational Training); Oriol Carlos García-Alzorriz (CSE & Vocational Training); Miquel Fort (Adult Education); Andreu Cabrero (Degree in Telecommunications).


Grupo de trabajo de estadística del proyecto INCLUD-ED (Statistics Working Group)

Since January 2008, a group of University lecturers and researchers interested in statistics and education from different universities have been meeting monthly in order to review educational statistics, find information in international evaluations on which inclusive and effective practices are being carried out around the world and help in any other statistical area of the INCLUD-ED project. Thus, this Free Task Oriented Group will mainly provide statistical support and advice to the whole INCLUD-ED research project, focusing on the ongoing research of the Consortium and clarifying the necessary points based on statistical data.


Silvia Molina (Coordinator. Universitat Rovira i Virgili); Aitor Gómez (Universitat Rovira i Virgili); Lourdes Rué (Universitat de Barcelona); Javier Ormazábal (Unviersitat de Barcelona); José Cela (Universitat Rovira i Virgili); Javier Díez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)


Red de Evaluación formativa y compartida (Shared Educational Evaluation Network)

In February 2010, a group of professors from several Spanish universities and different disciplines including Physical education, Natural Sciences, Musical Expression and its didactics, Sociology, Pedagogy and Psychology was created. The main objective of this free task oriented group is to contribute to the analysis of successful actions that encourage the social exclusion faced by vulnerable groups to be overcome. The group places a special emphasis on the analysis of the elements linked to educational evaluation which are moving people towards social inclusion.


The group is coordinated by Victor Lopez (Physical Education – University of Valladolid) and the other members are: Antonio Fraile (University of Valladolid – Physical Education), Javier Catalina (University of Valladolid – Psychology), Luis Torrego (University of Valladolid - Pedagogy); Juan Carlos Manrique (Univeristy of Valladolid - Physical Education), Andrés Palacios (University of Valladolid – Psychology), Camen Merino (University of Valladolid – Sociology), Luis Torrego (University of Valladolid- Pedagogy),  Juan Carlos Manrique (University of Valladolid – Physical Education), Cristina Vallés (University of Valladolid – Natural Sciences and its didactics), José Maria Arribas (University of Valladolid – Pedagogy), Inés Monreal (University of Valladolid – Musical expression and its didactics), Ángel Pérez (University of León - Physical Education) José Juan Barba (University of Valladolid -  Physical Education),  Javier Castejón (Autonomous University of Madrid – Physical Education), Juan Carlos Luís Pascual (University of Alcalá - Physical Education), Francesc Buscá (University of Barcelona- Physical Education), Marta Capllonch (University of Barcelona- Physical Education), José Antonio Julián Clemente (University of Zaragoza - Physical Education), Nuria Ureña (University of Murcia - Physical Education),  Marisa Santos (Autonomous University of Madrid – Physical Education),  and Encarna Ruiz (Catholic University of San Antonio  Murcia - Physical Education).


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